Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Greeks and Longevity

Several years ago, scientists and nutritionists became interested in the "The Mediterranean Diet" and the research carried out on the island of Crete showed that the excellent health condition and longevity of the Cretans has its basis on their traditional nutritional habits.

It is a fact that Cretan peasants consume little meat and few milk products. Traditionally meat was not consumed more than once per 15 days. The only fat they use is the olive oil which is used abundantly in almost everything served. Also, the Cretans consume alot of bread, veggies, fruits and peas, beans or lentils. Fish is the least advised food, followed by red meat.

In his book "Dietetique: Le Regime Sante", Serge Renaud writes:

"Among all the groups which were observed, either mediterranean or not, the group from Crete presented the lowest coronary mortality rate. After ten years of observation, that mortality rate went up by a hundred eighty four for 10000 in the other mediterranean groups and only to nine in the cretan group, which represented a reduction of 95%. The study made it apparent as well, after an observation of 15 years that Crete had generally the lowest mortality rate, irrelevant to the cause of death."___IHO (International Health Organization)

Source: IHO, Med Diet Pyramid

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