Sunday, January 20, 2008

Damn That's Fast Peanut Butter Cookies!

Who would think making awesome tasting peanut butter cookies could be so easy? When I first learned of this recipe, I didn't believe anything good could come of know what they say, nothing worthwhile is ever easy. I soon learned that ain't exactly true! Try it, especially if you have Peanut Butter Cookie lovers and if you really want to make it interesting, use "Chunky" Peanut Butter! You could probably do variations by adding chocolate chips, etc.! Work with it baby!

1 C. peanut butter
1 C. sugar
1 egg

Stir up in a bowl, roll into 1 inch balls. Place cookie balls on an ungreased cookie sheet and smash like a # sign with a fork. Cook in 350 degree oven until lightly golden. Cool and enjoy!

You can cook these until just done for softer cookies-or longer for crunchy ones. Increase ingredients at your discretion to make larger amounts!

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