Friday, August 28, 2009

Homemade Apple Butter

Apple Butter is good on just about everything from a bagel to pancakes and espcially on toast! The store bought brand is alright but I prefer to make my own...first you gotta have Apples! Think it's best to mix them up, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, McIntosh...just fill the crockpot up because they will cook down

4 cup sugar (can be adjusted according to amt of apples used)
4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp salt

Method :

Peel and core apples and pour remaining ingredients over them. Cover and cook on high for about 1 hour.

Lower the heat and cook all day until mixture is thick and dark. Mix with a potato masher to make smooth. Put in freezer jars until you're ready to eat it.

Canning: Process jars in hot water bath
Pints -10 minutes
Quarts - 20 minutes

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